Dr. Ben Carson makes presidential campaign stop at UNR
06/16/2015   www.mynews4.com

Doctor Ben Carson brings his optimism to Reno on Tuesday. He says he isn't surprised he's bested the GOP field, including Jeb Bush in the latest national poll. Momouth University’s poll clocked Carson at 11% support, however, with 20% undecided.

“This is bad timing for [Bush],” Carson says. “The country's not in the mood right now for same ol' same old.

Carson delivers something different to the pool. He’s a world -renowned pediatric neurosurgeon with an American rags to riches story to boot. He grew up in poverty. The Presidential Medal of Freedom is just one of many accolades in his career. Miranda Hoover, President of the UNR College Republican, says as a public health major, Carson is an inspiration.

“He's always really held a high standard to me and i know there's no other candidate out there that has as much health care experience as he does,” she says.

Carson gained popularity criticizing Obamacare and he proposes an alternative by breaking down Medicaid funding into life-long health savings accounts for each individual.

“Five thousand dollars to each one,” Carson explains. “Think about what can you do with that if you use it in an efficient way?”

In response to critics of the plan, Carson says it doesn't include those with serious health problems.

"This is for the 95% of people who have average types of problems," he says.

During his speech- Carson touched on getting ahead of ISIS, tax reform, supporting police, and ridding political correctness to protect freedom of speech.

Reno resident, Rich Parks, says Carson’s optimism won his heart, but not his vote just yet.

“I think he'll be the best surgeon general we've ever had. I'm not sure being president your first time up-- It's like going to the major leagues -- I'm not sure that's the way to go,” Parks says.

Carson has never held public office, but says he has the experience to solve problems and the business know-how to transform government.

“I say this country was designed with the people in mind and the people coming from all walks of life not a particular political class,” Carson says.

Carson is scheduled to speak Thursday at the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials.

Watch the news video of Dr. Ben Carson speaks at UNR at http://eplayer-static.clipsyndicate.com/flash/osmf/CriticalPlayer.swf.

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