Wilson, Mulvaney voice opinions on fate of Confederate flag
06/24/2015   Wis
Source: U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson

Many voices have chimed in on whether the Confederate flag should be taken down or left on the State House grounds.

Rep. Joe Wilson becomes the latest South Carolina politician to throw his support behind having the flag taken down.

“I stand with Senator Tim Scott in calling for the removal of the Confederate battle flag from the State House grounds,” Wilson said in a statement.

Wilson, who was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2001, went on to echo sentiments of Sen. Scott and asked that everyone join him and his family in praying for the families of each victim of the shooting at Emanuel AME Church.

Rep. Mick Mulvaney also joined the list of South Carolina lawmakers to express his opinion on the Confederate flag debate.

The congressman representing South Carolina's 5th District said he was disappointed that the conversation in the Palmetto State "has been focused on a flag, rather than the victims of a heinous crime and their courageous and forgiving families."

"I hope that the Legislature can do the same thing now that they did 15 years ago: take the time and effort to fashion a compromise that removes the flag in a way that all South Carolinians can rally around with pride and respect — and with the sense of community that has been on display for the world to see in Charleston in the aftermath of last Wednesday evening," Mulvaney said in a statement.

"By doing that we will once again have the opportunity to show everyone what is special about our state. Maybe with the flag removed, people will listen."

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