The Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) is continuing its efforts to restore the state's roadways and bridges with an improvement project along Dexter Street in Central Falls and Pawtucket.
Over the course of the next year, crews will resurface the roadway from School Street in Central Falls to Goff Avenue in Pawtucket, replace sidewalks and curbing, upgrade existing traffic signal equipment, install stamped asphalt crosswalks, plant new trees, add new roadway signs and pavement markings, and make minor drainage improvements. Work also includes repairs to the Dexter Street Bridge, which carries Dexter Street over the Amtrak and Providence & Worcester rail lines in Pawtucket.
"This project is a great example of putting shovels in the ground to get Rhode Islanders back to work," said Governor Gina Raimondo. "With this project, we're showing that Rhode Island can be a leader in making smart investments that enhance our infrastructure and encourage long-term business growth."
"While we're glad to finally get this project moving forward, we realize that there is much more that needs to be done around the state," RIDOT Director Peter Alviti Jr. said. "For every Dexter Street there are several other projects that we simply can't get to. I look forward to working with the Governor and the General Assembly leadership to pass an infrastructure plan that brings new jobs and investment back to the Ocean State."
The project includes a $3.9 million contract awarded to D'Ambra Construction and a five percent budget contingency of $195,000. The project is scheduled to reach substantial completion in fall 2016.
"These road and bridge improvements are good news for everyone in Central Falls and Pawtucket, and a great example of how federal and state resources are being put to work. Rhode Island, like every state, has a number of troubled bridges. We've got to invest in modernizing our aging infrastructure and keeping it in a state of good repair. Deferring needed repairs only makes them more costly. Congress must move with a sense of urgency to find long-term, sustainable solutions for our pressing infrastructure needs," said U.S. Senator Jack Reed, the Ranking Member of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD).
"Improvements like these are smart government investments. This project will make the roadway safer and more usable for cyclists and pedestrians, and reduce? the wear and tear on vehicles that costs Rhode Islanders an average of $637 in repairs every year," said Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, a member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. "I applaud Governor Raimondo and her Administration for pushing for infrastructure upgrades across Rhode Island, and I promise to keep fighting for federal funding to allow the state to do more."?
Work began last week with surveying, tree removal and sidewalk replacement. The contractor will start at Goff Aveune and head northbound toward School Street, working in 500-foot sections at a time. This will require partial lane closures on Dexter Street Monday-Friday from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., with parking restrictions within the work zone. Throughout the process, RIDOT will work with the city to ensure that impacts to residents and businesses are kept to a minimum wherever possible.
"Strong infrastructure is critical to the success and sustainability of our communities and our economy. The impact of this project will extend beyond a single stretch of road, improving the quality of life of residents, supporting local businesses and encouraging new visitors to the area," said Congressman Jim Langevin. "Improving Rhode Island's roads and bridges is a long-term goal of which we cannot lose sight. I applaud the Governor and her team for remaining committed to this issue, and I will continue to fight for the essential federal funds we need to replicate this type of project statewide."
"Investing in infrastructure projects like this one is one of the most effective ways to create jobs and make Rhode Island an even more attractive place to live, work, or go to school," said Representative David Cicilline. "It is critical that Congress approve a long-term transportation bill that will allow us to continue rebuilding and repairing our crumbling bridges, roads, and schools here in Rhode Island. I look forward to continuing to fight hard to achieve this important objective." ? The curbing, sidewalks, driveways and pedestrian signals are expected to be completed this year, with the bridge repairs and resurfacing to take place during the 2016 construction season. Once the resurfacing is completed, RIDOT will also add share the road markings known as "sharrows," a marking used to raise motorists' awareness to the potential of cyclists on the road.
"The revitalization of Dexter Street will be the cause for a lot of smiles among business owners and residents in Central Falls. These improvements are the foundation to an improved economic climate in this city," said Central Falls Mayor James Diossa. "Downtown Dexter Street is one of the most vital economic areas in this community and I'm thankful that our Governor, RIDOT, and our Federal delegation have come together to solve a major issue in Central Falls."
"The Dexter Street Bridge is one of the primary gateways linking Pawtucket and Central Falls. This infrastructure improvement project and others like it throughout our communities are positioning Pawtucket and Central Falls for future growth and development," said Mayor Donald R. Grebien. "This project is a great example of what can be accomplished when cities partner with each other and the state and federal government for the benefit of our residents and the business community. I want to thank our federal delegation, the Governor, RIDOT, and Mayor Diossa for their continuing commitments to help make Rhode Island and even better place to live and do business."
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