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Massachusetts 华人反细分取得阶段性胜利,不得人心的 bill H3361 is dead。这是州议会议长的正式公告:(见图) 听证会那天,冰天雪地参加听证与示威的反细分华人先后有近千人。支持细分的“华人”(必须要打上引号)只有几十位。别看人家人少,但朝中有人好办事。Ta 们在程序上耍花招,抢夺走优先发言权与录相权。咱们这里谈的就是其中一位,一位在听证会发言支持细分的姓王的女士,就称王女士吧。(照片来自麻州政府公布的听证会视频截屏) 俗话说不怕神一样的对手,就怕猪一样的队友。这个支持细分的王女士,在这次听证会中,扮演的就是支持细分的“华人”(这里必须要打引号)的猪队友的角色,一不留神充当了反细分华人的神助攻。为啥这么说呢?哈哈,请看她的发言视频与发言全文:(见视频。 视频截取自麻州政府根据现场录像所公布之视频) Naomi L Wang Testimony on MA H.3361 hearing. January 30, 2018 [Naomi Wang] Good evening, all the committee members and the Chairman. Really appreciate the opportunity to speak here, so I am more inclined to support the bill and this is based on just a little factor that I know. Having worked in the field of educational consultancy for over six years, I have known that many students from Mainland China, they actually cheated in their application, in their college and graduate school application, like they use falsified high school transcripts to apply for college here and they use so-called educational agency to write all their application essays and personal statements in their graduate school application {timer rings} so based on this knowledge, I just think disaggregation of … {Audience roaring} {gavel banging} [Naomi Wang] … this just mere facts and I think the disaggregation of Asian data could enhance more transparent school evaluation just in the field of education … {Audience protest} {gavel banging} [Audience] You are a traitor. [Chairman] Again, we will end hearing right here now, but… {Audience protest} [Chairman] that there is… this is not a debating society. [Naomi Wang] So what I said is just mere facts [Chairman] Thank you very much [Naomi Wang] Thank you. 看清楚了没?王女士支持亚裔细分的理由居然是大陆来的学生全是靠做假来美的,所以要 racial profile!所以要把大陆人单分出来“特殊对待”,就像美国早期排华时把所有的华人说成是 thief 一样,为臭名昭著的排华法案奠定了基础。麻省亚裔细分 bill H3361 的始作俑者 Tackey Chan 是不是骨子里也认为所有大陆来的 Chinese American 都是 cheater,所以要与台独们分出来?为将来的第二个排华法案铺路?嘿嘿,司马昭之心 路人皆知!但是,说心里话,我真的很感谢 Naomi Wang 。她以细分拥护者的角色,用毫不掩饰的语言,让广大吃瓜群众看清亚裔细分就是赤裸裸的racial profile,是用来歧视大陆华人的手段与工具。更撕下了Tackey Chan这样的政客明修“照顾亚裔”栈道,暗渡“歧视华人”陈仓,甘心为民主党充当打手的嘴脸。难怪Tackey Chan在听证会现场面色那么难看。他肯定心里在骂:我费尽心机蒙骗老中们相信亚裔细分是为老中的福利,绝对不会用于racial profile,绝不会用做歧视老中的工具...结果让这二货一语道破。这特么啥猪队友哇! 备注-1. 网友看完视频的评论汇总
备注-2. 为支持反细分的华人组织点赞 麻州反细分有些华人组织非常给力,对坚定的反细分做出了很大贡献,在此特别感谢一下。如果忽略了,请留言补充: